Choosing the Right Style of Recessed Lighting

There are dozens of incredible electrical lighting designs and styles for homeowners to choose from these days. One of the most popular is the recessed lighting system, a unique setup that allows for a warm glow of light throughout any room. Once you’ve settled on installing recessed lights, you’ll need to choose the style of light you want for your home. Here are some of your options.

image of recessed lighting in a kitchen

Square Lights

Most lights are round but you certainly don’t have to stick with the norm when choosing your own system. Square lights are becoming increasingly popular and make an excellent addition to rooms with a linear design. There are even a few companies out there making rectangular shaped recessed lights as well.

LED Recessed Lights

LED lights are all the rage, and we’re not just talking about recessed lighting systems here. The overall cost of installation will be higher but just as with your traditional bulbs, LED lights will last longer than the older styles. You’ll also see a reduction in your energy bill over the use of regular bulbs. If you’re going to install a new system, you may as well make it as economical as possible.

Protruding and Flush Trims

The shape of the bulb and light fixture isn’t the only thing to consider. You’ll also need to determine if you want the edge of the light to be flush with the ceiling or if you’d like a protruding trim. Protruding trims can be used to accent the existence of the light while a flush trim will leave you with a sleek and sophisticated ceiling line. Your plans for your entire room will dictate your choice.

You will, of course, have other things to consider as well, like the color and location of your recessed lights. Talk to your Delaware electrician, Conductive Electrical Contracting before you start your construction work. He’ll be able to help you determine that your circuit breaker is up for the addition and he’ll help you to find the best way to go about the installation process!

3 Things You Need to Know about Recessed Lighting

Are you looking to make an upgrade to your home’s lighting system? Recessed lighting is an incredibly effective way of spreading warmth and light throughout a room. Here are a few things you should know about recessed lights before you begin the planning phase of your project.

image of indoor recessed lighting example

Light Spacing

While there are certain criteria for the proper placement of recessed electrical lighting systems, the distance between each light will make a huge difference when it comes to the ambiance in your room. Say, for example, you plan on spacing your lights about 2 feet apart from each other. This type of layout will create a bright room with even distribution of light throughout. Placing the lights 6-8 feet apart, on the other hand, will create a very soft light.

Basic Light Guidelines

Believe it or not, the height of your ceiling will determine how effective your recessed lights actually are. If you have an 8-foot ceiling, your lights will fully cover an 8-foot wide space. It is also important to note whether or not your ceilings are sloped before you begin. If you are installing recessed lighting in a sloped ceiling, you’ll need to use a special type of trip to ensure your light is not directed at an angle. You’ll still want it to point directly down.

Recessed Lighting in the Kitchen

Kitchens are unique and the planning in those rooms are slightly different. While you’ll want to follow normal spacing guidelines for your eating area, you’ll want to space your lights a bit closer together in the areas over your counters and cooking islands. In these cases, you may want to opt for 2 or 3 feet instead of 4-6 feet. This type of spacing will ensure you have adequate lighting to work with while cooking.

Recessed lights offer homeowners an incredible way of changing the ambiance of any room. Talk to your electrician here about the possibility of making an upgrade in your favorite room. You’ll be surprised at the difference this type of lighting system can make!