The Cost Of Installing Light Switches

light switchesOver time, many of your light switches may need to be replaced. They can become outdated as the decor of your home changes. You may think that you can do this yourself; however, you have to keep in mind that major issues can occur from improperly installed electrical outlets and switches.

In addition, if you install your light switches wrong, then you may not pass a future house inspection and have to do it all over again, the right way. To save yourself both of these headaches, it is important to hire an electrician to do the job right the first time.

The benefit of hiring an electrician is knowing that you are ensuring your house is safe and up to code and can pass any inspection that comes your way. The downside of hiring an electrician is that it costs more money than doing it yourself. However, in this instance, the benefits far outweigh the cons.

The cost of installing new light switches varies from electrician to electrician.

Some things to keep in mind:

1. Most Wilmington electrical contractors like Conductive Electric tend to work on an hourly wage or per project basis. That means that you can save costs by having them do everything you need done in one trip.

For instance, if you want to add some decorative switches and change some other switches to dimmers, then you should let your electrician know about all of those things beforehand. This will allow them to get the whole project done at one time, and avoid them having to come back at a later date.

2. The type of switch can end up increasing or decreasing the price, as some require more work than others do. For example, a motion sensor switch, which has extra wires, will take longer than your average switch, and in turn it will cost a little bit more to put in.

The best way to get a good price is to talk to more than one electrician. You can determine their expertise, and if you have the number of projects you need done, they should be able to give you a pretty good estimate on how much the project will cost.

Some electricians are willing to offer a lower price for a larger amount of work. By taking the best option, you can sometimes save yourself a good amount of money.

light switch fixHowever, don’t settle for the cheapest electrician if they don’t have a firm grasp over what they are doing.  

Remember, you are hiring someone instead of doing it yourself in order to keep you and your house safe, as well as save on future installation costs. If you pick an electrician with very little experience, then you may end up incurring those costs regardless whether you do it yourself or not.

Learn more about installing outlets and switches here.

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