Congrats on Your New Flat Screen TV!

Do you really want to leave the installation of that expensive television up to an amateur?

Afterall, you probably just invested well in a nice new and captivating display so the last thing you want to do is break it during an impromptu TV installation party.

Newly installed Flat Screen TVs

With their sleek, modern design and ultra-crisp picture, sales of flat-screen TV’s are always a big hit this time of year.  While some choose to display their flat-screen on an entertainment stand, many people choose to mount their flat-screen on a wall or over a fireplace.

Yes, instructions abound on the Internet telling you how to install it correctly.  And for those of you who consider yourselves to be particularly handy, you may wonder why it is necessary to hire (and pay) a professional to do the job.

Mounting one of these new devices may seem like a fairly straightforward task, but there are several things to consider.

  • You’ll need a thorough understanding of local codes.  Do you know what the fire codes are in your city?  What about building codes?  An electrical contracting specializing in residences is required to be familiar with the intricacies of local codes and how they apply to the installation of your new TV.
  • Do you have the right tools?  Most people won’t have the right tools on hand for properly installing a new TV.  Buying or renting these tools will be costly.  It may simply be more cost-effective to hire a professional who already owns the proper equipment.
  • You’ll need a power source for your new television.  Yes, you may have an electrical outlet in the general vicinity, but it is most likely close to the floor and too low for your TV’s placement on the walls.  A licensed electrical contractor like Conductive Electrical Contracting can install a recessed electrical outlet behind your TV, and you won’t have to look at an unsightly power cord trailing down the wall from the TV to the outlet.
  • If you prefer not to hide your power cords, there are other options available.  You may be able to make specific suggestions for alternatives to running cables through the walls, including cable management raceways that attach to your walls.
  • Routing A/V cables through a wall can be a difficult task. If you have surround sound or any kind of stereo equipment, you will have a multitude of cables leading in and out of the TV. These are not only unsightly but can also be dangerous to have sitting around, especially if you have small children.  A skilled contractor has the knowledge and the equipment to run all of your cabling through the walls, keeping them out of sight and out of reach.

Sure, it may be tempting to take the do-it-yourself approach to installing your new TV.  However, hiring a professional to do the job ensures that your TV will be installed correctly and safely.  Plus, you’ll need to consider a licensed electrician like Conductive Electrical Contracting to install the electrical outlet so that it is in line with local codes.